Spring Day at Manitou Beach

It is located at the Toronto Centre Island, and you need to ride a Ferry to get there.Click here for Ferry Details

Victoria Day at Centre Island

 Victoria Day is a Canadian Public Holiday that was celebrated every last Monday before 25th of May in honor of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday.  Victoria Day honor Queen Elizabeth and for many of us it means long weekend.  

We spend our long Weekend at Toronto Centre Island. Toronto Centre Island an Island that are located at the offshore of the City Centre.

TTC Fare

TTC- Toronto Transit Commission
Day Pass(Every year they changed their Day Pass lay-out, so don't dare to used old Day Pass)

TTC Subway Map

This is the image of TTC Subway Map. 
In my previous blog I wrote that we should know the four direction (North, South, East and West) Here at the subway you gonna need that. You should know what direction you are heading to, especially when you need to transfer.

Toronto's Public Transportation (TTC)

To start off, here’s the bus stop. 

Maki Sushi

I’m not Japanese food lover but I love eating at Japanese Restaurant. Maki Sushi was one of the Japanese Restaurant I've try in Toronto.  As seen in the picture that’s our order, and that’s the food that makes as full. J

A spring day at the shore

Yesterday I went to Downtown and decided to walk at the lake shore to chill out. I thought that day is good for walking but not coz it so windy. And luckily I’m wearing my TNA Spring jacket it keep me warm and comfy.
This is how my TNA Jacket look like.
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